7.7.2022 Meeting Minutes

Justin Heritage Foundation Regular Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date and Time:  July 7, 2022, at 5:00 PM

Meeting Location:

Brookson Builders

805 W 1st. Street

Justin, TX  76247

The regular meeting was called to order at 5:18 pm and was presided over by President, Jennifer Green with Bonnie McCaig as Secretary.   

Board members in attendance:  India White, Kelli Thielemann, Gwen St. Clair, Glenda Garrett, Lea Bryant, Bailey Acosta 

Board members absent:  Lisa Dyer

Minutes from the previous meeting on June 16, 2022, has been approved as read.

  • Consideration and Action of Agenda Items
    1. Discussion of Secondary Amendment for Section 11.02 of Bylaws.

    Motion: Moved by Gwen St. Clair to amend Section 11.02 to read “All payments must be made by check with two signatures of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors with the ability to sign checks shall consist of the Secretary, Treasurer and President.”

    Motion carried unanimously and adopted.

    1. Discussion was held on Board of Directors versus Officers referenced in Bylaws. 

    Amendment:  Moved by Jennifer Green to strike out the word “Officers” in the Bylaws and change wording.

    If the amendment is adopted the Bylaws shall read as follows:

    Article IV. “Board of Directors”

    Section 4.02 “Board of Directors and Duties”

    Section 4.04 (a) “The Board of Directors shall be elected to serve for 2 years, or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin at the close of the Annual Meeting, at which they are elected.  A member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office by a quorum vote of the remaining Board of Directors.”

    Article VII. Section 7.01 (a) “The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 5 Directors of the foundation shall constitute the Board of Directors. “

    Motion carried unanimously and adopted.

    1. Discussion of Board of Directors roles, Standing and Special committees.

    Discussion was held on changing Fundraising to Resource Development.

    Motion: Moved by Bailey Acosta to replace Fundraising with Resource Development in Section 4.02 (e). 

    If the amendment is adopted it shall read “5 Directors will be appointed to serve over the following committees – Membership, Resource Development, Marketing, Builders, and Historic.

    Motion carried unanimously and adopted.

    1. Short- and long-term goals. 
    • Discussion held on Resource Development Committee goals.
    • Discussion held on Membership Committee goals. 

    1. Marketing and membership plan – tabled.

    1. Discussion held of ideas and projects JHF can engage in to preserve and enhance the community. i.e., remnants of old school building at City Hall, original flag poles and foundation, historical markers, bricks, Bishop Park, gym.

  • New Business

  • Report presented by board member, Lea Bryant, on historic architectural firm.  Meeting scheduled for 4/28/22 4 pm.

    Report presented by President, Jennifer Green on publishing of historical books.

  •  Unfinished Business and General Orders
    • Relationship of 501(c)(3) with City of Justin.
    • Marketing and Membership plan.

  • Agenda, Date and Time of Next Meeting
  • The next meeting will be held August 4th at 5 pm at:

    Brookson Builders

    805 W 1st. Street

    Justin, TX  76247

    The proposed agenda for the next meeting is as follows:

    • Continue discussion of Board of Directors roles, Standing and Special committees.
    • Continue discussion of ideas and additional projects JHF can engage in to preserve and enhance the community.
    • Report on Sam Reynolds property.
    • Report on historical architectural meeting

    The meeting was adjourned at 7: 15 pm by President, Jennifer Green.

    Draft minutes submitted by Bonnie McCaig.

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