August 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Justin Heritage Foundation Regular Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date and Time: August 13, 2023, at 12:00 PM

Meeting Location:

City of Justin

415 N. College Avenue

Justin, TX 76247

The regular meeting was called to order at 12:24 pm and was presided over by President, Jennifer Green with Bonnie McCaig as Secretary.   

Board members in attendance:  Bailey Acosta, Gwen St. Clair, Glenda Garrett, Lea Bryant, Lisa Dyer, Kelli Thielman, India White

Associate members in attendance:   Toni Bostick, Brooks White, Kacy Maryott

Minutes from the previous meeting on July 13, 2023, have been approved as read.

  1. Consideration and Action of Agenda Items

  1. Report presented by President, Jennifer Green.
  • Casino Night Fundraiser.
  • Contracts signed, deposit checks issued, floor plan being created.
  • Sponsorship update
  • Flyers
  • Alcohol liability discussion with Carrier.
  • Discussion on MOU
  • Gaston house grounds and preventive maintenance.
  • Security
  • Utilities
  • Additional insurance

  1.  Report presented by Gwen St. Clair
  • North Texas Giving Day 9.21.23.

  1. Report presented by Lisa Dyer, Treasurer. 
  • budget discussion
  • chart of accounts

  1. Report presented by Kacy Maryott.

Estimate for tarping Gaston house roof $2500 to be completed as soon as possible.

Motion moved by Bailey Acosta for payment up to $2500 for tarping by ProCo Roofing.

Motion carried unanimously.

  • Agenda, Date and Time of Next Meeting
  • The next meeting will be held on September 14, at 5 pm at:


    The proposed agenda for the next meeting is as follows:

    • Vision for the Gaston house update.
    • Budgetary presentation.
    • Casino Night fundraiser update.
    • MOU update.
    • Plexiglass for Gaston house windows

    The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 pm by President, Jennifer Green.

    Draft minutes submitted by Bonnie McCaig.

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